Why Raw?
Dogs are 99% similar to wolves in their genetic makeup; today's dogs derived from the Timber Wolf approximately 15,000 years ago. Dogs are considered facultative carnivores, which means they are primarily meat eaters, but are also able to survive (not thrive) on plant material. Their sharp, pointy teeth and short digestive tract indicate that they are designed to be fed primarily a meat-based diet. Raw meat (along with a small portion of the diet consisting of vegetables, fruit and supplements) has the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your dog needs to thrive - cooking the meat and vegetables destroys many of the nutrients. Feeding your dog a species-appropriate raw diet has many benefits:
WEIGHT CONTROL- kibble contains a very high amount of carbohydrates, which are converted to sugar, which equals weight gain.
HEALTHIER COATS - raw fed dogs are healthier, which results in a softer, shinier coat.
FIRMER STOOLS - raw fed dogs produce less (and less stinky and smaller) waste than dogs that eat kibble, since raw fed dogs absorb more of the nutrients in their food.
BETTER ORAL HEALTH - cleaner teeth and healthier gums.
REDUCED EAR INFECTIONS - raw dog food is low in carbohydrates, which means there is much less sugar to feed the yeast and bacterial colonies that cause ear infections.
Transitioning to Raw
Pure Primal freeze dried raw treats are a great way to incorporate raw meat into your dog's daily diet. Ideally dogs should be fed a raw diet. There are several commercial brands of raw food available that can be found in higher-end pet supply stores. You can also make your dog's food yourself; there is an abundance of information available that can help you formulate a diet for your dog. Keep in mind that if your dog is new to raw it is important to transition them from their current food to their new raw food. Here is a guideline on how to transition:
Days 1-3: 25% raw food + 75% current food
Days 4-6: 50% raw food + 50% current food
Days 7-9: 75%raw food + 25% current food
Days 10+: 100% raw food
Please note that it is not abnormal for your dog to experience an upset stomach, diarrhea, and/or constipation during the transition to a raw diet. This should subside as your dog gets used to the food. If the symptoms are not subsiding a slower transition may be necessary.
Feeding Guidelines
The general rule of feeding is to feed your adult dog 2% to 3% of its body weight per day, depending on its current weight and activity level. If your dog needs to lose weight you can feed on the lower end of that range. If your dog is highly active you can feed on the higher end of that range. Puppies should be fed a higher percentage of their body weight at more frequent intervals:
2-4 Months Old: 8-10% of current body weight, split between 3 meals per day
4-6 Months Old: 6-8% of current body weight, split between 3 meals per day
6-8 Months Old: 4-6% of current body weight, split between 2 meals per day
8-12 Months Old: 3-4% of current body weight, split between 2 meals per day
DISCLAIMER: This material has been written for educational purposes only. It should not be regarded as veterinary medical advice. I am not a veterinarian. Please consult with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or a holistic veterinarian before applying what you learn from this website.