Ingredients: naturally shed deer antler
These Power Paddles are based on weight, rather than length - this antler will weigh between 5-7oz. These Power Paddles will have more of a broad, flat shape (similar to a moose antler), rather than the typical long and pointy shape seen in other deer antlers. Power Paddles are recommended for medium to large adult dogs over 20 lbs who love to chew.
Please note: Antlers are extremely dense and hard and are not recommend for dogs with underlying dental problems. Deer antlers, due to the ratio of the outer hard layer compared to the softer inner marrow, are the densest out of all the antlers. These antlers are a great natural source for calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese. The price is for one (1) Power Paddle
CAUTION: * Always supervise your dog when giving antlers.* Do not allow dogs to try to swallow them or break them in half. * These natural antler chews are very hard and can break teeth if too aggressively chewed. * Discard antler when it becomes too small or sharp for your dog to safely chew.
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